Wednesday, November 4, 2020


I could almost start with "Once Upon A Time- Many Years Ago".. because what I'm about to relate doesn't happen a lot anymore. It's the art of getting to know passengers! Connecting! 

One of the joys of flying, for me  was meeting extraordinary people! In training back then we were taught much more than the basics of serving and safety.  We were taught to observe, connect, compliment, and listen!

To be fair to those flying today the packed planes, added seats, serving with shorthanded crews makes it much more difficult to converse and connect.  In my later years with NorthWest I loved working First Class!  Along with the more enhanced service we had fewer people! That combination allowed for a more personal contact!

The stories I gleaned as I listened to those folks in my early years were priceless! I know the passengers feel "special" to get a few moments of personal attention.  This usually takes being on longer flights when there is time between the beverage and meal service.  I often would simply ask as I poured a glass of water- "How are you folks doing today?"  Those who wanted to chat a bit would then do so.  

The Flight Attendants I enjoyed flying with the most were those hands on, connecting, listening fellow crew members.  They helped make my career a joy!

In those early days we all held many a hand of a grieving passenger who was going to the funeral of a loved one!  We watched closely over those who were ill. We listened to the young people, the elderly, the frightened. We took a moment to play with the children, we held babies so mothers got a bathroom break. Since we often flew the same route for an entire month we got to know the commuters!

I remember a passenger I nicknamed Scotty. If he had a good week he would order a scotch and water as he boarded the plane.  If it was a bad week he ordered coffee. I got to know him and could gage his week by that one order! There were elderly passengers with wonderful life stories to share and soldiers who were coming back from Viet Nam in need of a kind and friendly ear.

And groups of young people! Flying to Florida I had more than one group of young people who were on mission trips to Haiti- wonderful young folk with hearts of gold! One group was an A Cappella group from a church.  At my request they sang a few songs- much to the delight of the other passengers!  What a joy to hear these fine young people!  I had asked the Flight Attendants working coach if they had a chance to talk to them.  They were surprised I had.  Later I notice the Flight Attendants conversing with the group and later thanked me for encouraging the interaction. 

For those who are still flying,  I urge you to take a moment when possible- and ask someone "How are you?  Where is your final stop? What brings you to travel today?"  You may be amazed at the results, as passengers open up, and are thrilled to have a "Flight Attendant" give them a personal moment of attention!

Of course, we can all do this off the airplane also.  A bit harder now when we had the Coronavirus!  Masks obscure smiles, hugs aren't allowed, and isolation is a real reality! 

I know it's a different World out there, and I may be a dinosaur! But I know that eye contact and connecting is indeed a human need- at least connecting on some level.  These are just my thoughts and experiences!

Remember!  Life Is Indeed An Adventure!  And Connecting With Others Enhances Our Careers, Our Lives, And The Lives Of Others!


unit 501 said...

I am really enjoying reading your post. Ipreferred working in MC during my flying career and very often would joke and talk to the passengers Inwas serving. It made my flights , as you said, so much more enjoyable. I always thought of myself as being on stage when in the aisle serving meals off my cart. I was the ‘king’ of the 10 second conservation!

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed, Marcy. The need for connection and validation is as real as needing to breathe. It nourishes the spirit for both parties. Good to remind yourself of this when you have a "down" day or notice someone who looks like they could use a kind word.

The Flight Nun said...

Dear unit 501- Thank you for your comment! I got a chuckle out of your 10 second conversation! It's so true, though! Just a moment or two of personal attention to a passenger is really thrilling for them! It's an acknowledgement! Thank you!

The Flight Nun said...

Dear Anonymous Reader- Thank you for your comment! You are so right! Connecting is indeed a human need! Thank you!