Saturday, October 31, 2020




As with most things in life- there's the appearance of a Career, and then there's the Reality.  Was the life of a Stewardess glamorous? Yes!  And at the time I started flying we looked very professional!  We had a standard for our appearance.  Our weight, hair, makeup, and uniform were all very chic!

We were able to go to wonderful places, meet all sorts of different people, stay at lovely hotels, and sometimes have long layovers in places people only dream of seeing!  We would, from time to time eat at fantastic and exotic restaurants.  That was the Glamour!

  My fellow Stewardesses and I use to joke that picking up sick bags, going on little sleep, and putting up with angry, sick, drunk, or crazy passengers was a little Less than Glamorous! Ha!

 That was also "Real Life"!
Now for a few examples of "Reality"-

-There was the time my high heal broke off as I was going up the stairs of the airplane!  That was for my first flight of the day! I didn't have boots, it was Summer.  Back then we didn't have flat shoes to wear once in the air.  I had a 12 hour flight day ahead and no way to repair my shoe! 

-My flight started out with me sort of tip toeing up and down the isle. It looked like a rather strange limp, I'm sure! I finally gave up and spent the rest of my air time barefoot! Needless to say, my nylons slowly but surely shredded.  Damnation!  I'm now shoeless and no nylons !  I finally told the cockpit my dilemma. They radioed ahead to our next stop.  On comes an agent with a jar of industrial strength glue!  Within minutes my high heel was fixed! Whew!!

-- Back in the 60's we had to wear girdles, no exceptions!  I was very thin, and the girdles rubbed my hipbones raw!  Once pantyhose became the "In" thing I figured out that no one would notice if I was wearing a girdle or not!

-At a God given date we had to change from a Summer uniform to a wool Winter one, no matter what the temperature was that day! That was the rule- even in 90 degree weather! That was a rather itchy situation!

Back when I started in 1969 you couldn't be or get married, couldn't have children, and were expected to retire at the age of 33!

-For some the weight restrictions for the Stewardesses was a difficulty. Personally I was on "weight watch" because my supervisor was worried I was Too thin.
-In the Spring and Fall the air turbulence was a challenge! Not only would passengers get air sick (and some crew members) but we could actually get knocked about!  I hit the ceiling once, and it was common to come home with bruises on the legs, thighs, even shoulders that came from the sudden jolts, swaying, and shimming that came with rough weather.

-The Summer's clear air turbulence was the most dangerous, because we didn't always anticipate it coming! Many a Stewardess back then got severely injured! As the years progressed new technology and safety standards were a big improvement over the early days!

-And lastly, there was the sometimes unwanted attention from a few male passengers.  When I was pressed for my phone number I handed out the number to "Dial-a-prayer".  A pat or poke on the butt would get a loud "OH"  from me as I put my hand on my rear- letting the rest of the airplane know what had just happened. That usually worked well! Ha!

There were many "not so glamorous" stories in my 39 year career! But also many fantastic experiences that came with joining the career when I did- as well as staying during the many changes!  Would I do it again if I could do it over?   Yes! IN A HEART BEAT!

Until next time, Dear Readers!

Remember!  Life Is Indeed An Adventure, Even When It's A Bumpy Ride!




unit 501 said...

I am enjoying read your memories. They help me to relive my years of flying for Northwest Orient from 1974 to 2012.

The Flight Nun said...

Unit 501- Dear reader- Thank you for your comment! We all have within us wonderful stories from our careers!
Marcy Padrta
aka The Flight Nun

David S said...

The butt pat reminds of a time I was flying back from England in the early 70’s with my grandmother. It was a charter flight and a lot of twenty-somethings onboard had congregated in the aisle by mid-flight. My grandma had an aisle seat (of a Boeing 707) and eventually grew tired of having butt’s hovering around her face. After asking several times for the youths to move along, she removed a hat pin from her hat and gave one of those young butt’s a gentle poke! I’m not sure she would have gotten away with that these days but at least back then it cleared the aisle.

The Flight Nun said...

Dear David- I got a chuckle out of your story about your grandma! That was a good story! Thank you for sharing!
Marcy Padrta
aka The Flight Nun