Saturday, April 10, 2021


 Back in the day of North Central Airlines we had trips we called "Illigals"- Turn-arounds where you didn't get a legal rest of 12 hours!  In other words we were on duty through the night- with a rest time between flights. The one I flew the most was a trip that left Detroit in the evening, stopping in Traverse City and  Pellston,  ending in Sault Ste. Marie.  We would be there anywhere from 6-8 hours (depending on delays due to weather) and leave early in the morning- heading back to Traverse City and Detroit.

The motel we stayed at was not what you'd call a first class place.  It was old and pretty run down.

One morning the First Officer I was flying with said to me "I could see right in your room from mine!  Want to know how?"  He did not say it in a concerned way- but in a cocky bragging way- with a smirk on his face!!  I was horrified!  I shot back at him "It's pretty low to invade someone's privacy, but even lower to brag about it!!"  His face fell- he looked a his shoes and turned away!

And that was the last night I stayed in that motel!  I decided a few hours on the airplane was better (and safer) than that place!  And so I napped on the aircraft, wrapping myself in onboard blankets!

I had an agent tell me that he was instructed to gently shake the pile of blankets in the morning, if I wasn't awake! Lol! I would fluff and puff in the aircraft bathroom and be ready for boarding when the time came. 

There were a few times in my career that the whole crew stayed on the aircraft- usually because of weather delays- where we had very little turn around time.

So that was my saga of sleeping on the aircraft.  It actually wasn't too bad.  The Convair had 2 large comfortable seats to curl up in, with blankets and pillows provided. And I sure felt safer than at that lousy motel!

Later on  we stayed in the former military crew quarters.  We all had our own rooms with a shared bathroom.  That was quite comfortable- and my privacy was secure!

Until Next Time, Dear Readers!
Life Is Indeed An Adventure!  And Sleeping On An Aircraft Sure Beat Worrying About Peeping Toms!


ROBERT said...

The Airline I used to work for does illegals except they call those Reduced Rest or Stand Up overnights usually last flight to a city then the 1st flight back to Base and then done for the rest of the day

The Flight Nun said...

Dear Robert- Thank you! That was the same with us. We'd be done once back at our base- then would go out again and do it all over that night. I loved the trips- as far as passengers were concerned. We had our regulars! But the sleep schedule sure got wonky!