Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 We crew members always had certain people we preferred to fly with, people with similar work ethics, personalities that we got along with, and memories we shared.

One such Flight Attendant was Ron Lindsay! From the first time I flew with him I enjoyed his humor and his interaction with the passengers! He was always a joy to fly with! He and I took care of our passengers the same way- what a joy to have someone who cared!

Ron had a rather unique sense of humor.  Often, while I would be giving the safety briefing announcement he would turn his back to the passengers for a moment and make a face that would make me laugh. I'd have to hid from his view in order to get through the announcement without cracking up! It was amazing the different faces he could make! Ha!

But his true wicked humor came out on one particular overnight! We were flying with the same crew all month, so got to know everyone's overnight routine.

We crew members, Pilots and Flight Attendants were all on the same floor of the hotel.  Our Captain would always open his hotel room door, brace his door open with his suit case, leave his key in the door, grab his ice bucket, and go looking for the ice machine.

On one overnight, as the Captain disappeared down the hall Ron grabbed me by the elbow and hustled me into the Captain's room. His idea was to hide in the Captain's room- and when he returned we were going to jump out and bark like dogs! (What!?!)

As we stood there in the dark I pictured the Captain having a heart attack when we surprised him--- and wondered why I was hanging with this crazy fellow Flight Attendant who obviously had lost his mind!!

We waited--and waited!  No Captain!  Going to plan B, Ron decided we were going to put the Captain's bag in the room, close and lock the door- keep the key-thereby making the Captain go down to the front desk for another key.  While he was gone we would then put everything back the way the Captain originally had it. The door would be open, key would be in the door, and suitcase would be propping the door open! (What!?! O--kay.)

We did just that, closed the Captain's door and had his key.  As we were walking to our rooms the Captain shows up.  He said he had to go to a different floor to find an ice machine that worked. When he looked at his closed door he said "Where Is My Key!?"  Without even thinking, I handed it him! (I write it off to Habitual Authority Compliance!- Yep, Flight Nun!)

You can imagine Ron's reaction! 

"NO!!!!!! Marcy!! You were NOT suppose to give it to him!

 Girl! You Need To Learn How To Play!!"  


Through the years I often flew with Ron! He tried to teach me how to have fun.  I guess I was a bit too serious, though I certainly enjoyed good humor! I had many strange experiences with that guy!  We became great friends!  He became my younger brother, and became "Uncle Ron" to my boys. 

Once Ron was to go to Minneapolis for some awards banquet and asked me to come along. We shared a room. At some point I departed for a cigarette. When I came back I heard a kitten meowing. Where was the kitten?!  

It sounded like it was in the room! I looked out into the hall. No kitten. I looked around the room. The Meowing got louder and more frantic. I got more frantic in my search! I finally said something like "What the Hell?!" 

Out of the wardrobe fell Ron, laughing hysterically. I swear his cat imitation was that good!  Crazy guy! (I think I hit him!) The strange part was that I was so intent on finding that poor kitten I didn't even notice that Ron was gone!

So that's my story of the rather strange but very funny humor of Ron Lindsay.

To this day we have stayed in touch.  My boys adore him, remembering how well he treated them as children! 

Ron transferred to different bases- and ended up in Honolulu, but always kept in touch!

He still lives in Honolulu.  I've visited him, he's visited me. It's been friends for over 30 years- and he still makes me laugh!

There are many memories I have with Ron- but the one that will forever stay in my memory is the time we hid in the Captain's room, and Ron realized that I needed to learn how to play!

Until Next time, Dear Readers!

Life Is Indeed An Adventure! And Having A Lasting Friendship With A Dear, Hysterically Humorous Co-Worker Enriches The Adventure Indeed !!


Dirty Jim said...

Thank you, Marcy,I needed that this tiresome evening. Jim.

The Flight Nun said...

Dear Dirty Jim- Thank you for your comment! Happy to help!