It's now been 21 years, but it's in mt memory as if it happened yesterday!
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The Anniversary of the 9/11 attack is almost here. Every American alive during the 9/11 attack was effected in some way. We all remember where we were when we heard of the awful happenings in New York and elsewhere. Here are thoughts I have previously put into print. Those events changed my thinking on many things! I wrote a piece five years ago, trying to put into words my emotions concerning the 9/11 event. As I read through this today I realized I need to add that I also grieve the loss of the many people on the ground- and the first responders that lost their lives that day. |
I also want to Honor the people and First Responders that fell ill and lost their lives in the following days and years with the complications that came with the 9/11 attack It is my true heart felt Tribute to the 9/11 victims.
What I wrote 5 years ago was- and is a Tribute to the many Flight Crews and Passengers that perished on board the aircrafts that day.
When this happened I was a Flight Attendant, on an airplane- getting ready for take-off from Detroit heading to Los Angeles. We were rolling down the runway, almost air born when the tower shut us down. All the Airports in the Nation were being closed down! So-this happened very "close to home." Once we were off the aircraft I, along with the rest of the Flight Crew paused by the Airport Bar that had the T.V. on. I saw images of the Twin Towers and heard the reports of different aircraft going "missing".
One of my fellow Flight Attendants who was working my flight was desperately trying to reach her daughter- who worked in one of the Twin Towers at a bank there! I couldn't imagine her feeling of anguish at not being able to reach her! (Later she found out that her daughter was on a subway- stuck underground- unable to get to work- because the subway driver was ordered to stop! The daughter was saved by just a few extra minutes on that subway!)
Once down in the Flight Crew Offices the Manager came out and told us to return home. They would keep in touch about future flights. I turned the radio on as soon as I got to my car- and cried all the way home! I couldn't believe what was happening!
Through the years movies and documentaries have been made about 9/11. I still can't bring myself to watch them!
The following is what I wrote 5 years ago, 14 years after it happened:
I've been working on this piece for a while now. If it tends to ramble a bit, please forgive me, dear reader. When it comes to the 9/11 attacks, my heart and mind are full of such feelings and thoughts, it's hard to put it all down. So here is my feeble attempt to give tribute to the flight crews that perished in the 9/11 terrorist attacks:
As we approach the anniversary of 9/11 - my mind wanders back to my childhood. My Step-Father was a World War II vet- stationed in Hawaii. I heard so many stories about that war. Horror stories, loss of human life, and many tales of the heroic efforts of the pilots stationed there.
I remember thinking (as a child) that surely now we have evolved beyond wars. After all- how primitive to send our younger and finest to kill each other! But how naive and idealistic I was! By the time I was a senior in High School, the Viet NamWar was a real reality check. I realized that my "idealism" was indeed not reality.
Something more than idealism was lost within me that September 11th. The innocent feeling of safety on board our aircrafts, and within our own beloved country- That feeling of safety and security was gone.
I can not begin to know the horror that went on in the Cockpits and Cabins of those aircraft. I can imagine, if I let myself. I choose not to. It would be too heartrending. I can no longer remember the exact number of crews and passengers that perished that day. But knowing the terrorists used aircraft and humans as "human bombs" to destroy buildings and human life -it was and is horrifying to think about. That nightmare stayed with me for a long time.
The church I attended held a memorial service after September 11th. I was honored to be chosen to light candles at that service, representing and in honor of the flight crews. I did it with tears streaming down my face. But just as a funeral gives a certain sort of closer, so did that Memorial service for me. I vowed not to forget them. And I came to grips with the "new" reality that had thrust itself on our industry.
Now I still light candles on their behalf each September 11th. They were our Sisters and Brothers within the realm of our industry. They were "US" !
Rest In Peace.
As we approach the anniversary of 9/11 - my mind wanders back to my childhood. My Step-Father was a World War II vet- stationed in Hawaii. I heard so many stories about that war. Horror stories, loss of human life, and many tales of the heroic efforts of the pilots stationed there.
I remember thinking (as a child) that surely now we have evolved beyond wars. After all- how primitive to send our younger and finest to kill each other! But how naive and idealistic I was! By the time I was a senior in High School, the Viet NamWar was a real reality check. I realized that my "idealism" was indeed not reality.
Something more than idealism was lost within me that September 11th. The innocent feeling of safety on board our aircrafts, and within our own beloved country- That feeling of safety and security was gone.
I can not begin to know the horror that went on in the Cockpits and Cabins of those aircraft. I can imagine, if I let myself. I choose not to. It would be too heartrending. I can no longer remember the exact number of crews and passengers that perished that day. But knowing the terrorists used aircraft and humans as "human bombs" to destroy buildings and human life -it was and is horrifying to think about. That nightmare stayed with me for a long time.
The church I attended held a memorial service after September 11th. I was honored to be chosen to light candles at that service, representing and in honor of the flight crews. I did it with tears streaming down my face. But just as a funeral gives a certain sort of closer, so did that Memorial service for me. I vowed not to forget them. And I came to grips with the "new" reality that had thrust itself on our industry.
Now I still light candles on their behalf each September 11th. They were our Sisters and Brothers within the realm of our industry. They were "US" !
Rest In Peace.
Very well said, Marcy. I think of everyone who lost their life but the Flight Crew & Passengers especially.
Dear Reader-
Thank you for your comment! This was an event that changed forever how we travel! And none of us who experienced this time will ever forget!
Marcy Padrta
aka The Flight Nun
Marcy, you've made my heart swell with the sadness that has dogged me all day. I can finally cry, thanks to your well-crafted words.
Dear Reader-
Thank you for your comment! Yes- our hearts can't help but be heavy as we remember the horror that came to us that day. I find tears bring a sort of release- like a cleansing of the grief within the body. Hugs from Afar!
Marcy Padrta
aka The Flight Nun
It’s hard to believe that 20 years have passed. Thank you for sharing your story. Sadly it appears we have made little progress to combat global terror. I was working for AC when 9/11 happened and had flown in to Montreal HQ that morning with colleagues for a meeting. Not long after our meeting started several senior staff were paged and left the room. They then returned to tell us what was happening leaving all of us in disbelief. Knowing that airspace was being closed, one of our team members booked us train tickets back to Toronto for that afternoon. I remember looking at the city skyline as we arrived in downtown Toronto and thinking what if that had happened here. All I can do is pray that we never have something so devastating happen again. God Bless!
Dear Anonymous- Thank you for sharing your story! I agree that the terrorism is still a reality. Prayers are going for safety for our countries!
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