Wednesday, September 23, 2020



 In my 39 year career I went from North Central Airlines to Republic  Airlines to NorthWest Airlines.  I retired in 2008- just before Delta took over.

What Republic and NorthWest gave my career was bigger aircraft, longer flights, and fantastic far away destinations!  One of the places I liked to fly (In the Summer) was a non stop flight from Detroit to Anchorage, Alaska!  Many of our passengers were Senior passengers heading to Anchorage for the Senior Cruises.  I loved these passengers!  They were a different mindset than the business people.

The flight crews also were wonderful! I thoroughly enjoyed every Anchorage trip I flew! 

There was only one downside to these flights!  It seemed every trip I took there included a medical emergency! This was a long non-stop flight which increased the likely hood of something going wrong!

On this one particular flight I had served the First Class passengers and proceeded to walk the main cabin, serving water.  This "water walk" gave me the opportunity to get to know some of the passengers in the main cabin.  This was also a big advantage to longer flights!

I passed an elderly lady who looked very distressed!  I found out she thought she had packed her heart medicine in her checked bag! I mentally started going through what we had in our medical kit. Was there anything in there to help her?  

On a hunch I said "Let's empty your purse and carry-on case" just to be sure your meds aren't in there! She agreed.  Slowly she took each item from her purse. It was a BIG purse!  I was amazed what she had in there! Yarn and crochet needle, 3 glass cases, photos, hand cream, perfume, a lace handkerchief, a plastic rain hat folded into a little case, address book, pens, little notepaper, wallet, passport- and a little vile with cinnamon tooth picks in it!

 I'm sure there were more items- but those are the ones I remember! I asked if there were any zippered pockets in her purse- and her eyes lit up and her mouth formed an O !  Yep- there were her medications and vitamins! 

 She started to cry! I told her she should be jumping for joy! She said she felt so stupid!  Oh my!! Poor sweetheart!  I reassured her that we all do this! Especially when we're in a hurry or have a lot on our minds!  I gave her a hug and a glass of water and continued down the isle.
Passenger in crisis #1 taken care of!

As I was coming back up toward first class I noticed a gentleman standing by door 2, moving his feet rather franticly and wincing. As I approached him I realized his lips were bluish and he was in a cold sweat!  I asked him what was happening.  He said his legs were cramping up , he felt light headed and was having trouble catching his breath!!  Oh boy-  sure signs this man needed oxygen! 

 I asked him to sit and ran for an oxygen bottle.  Almost immediately after getting on oxygen he felt relief!  Come to find out someone in reservations told him he didn't need to order expensive medical oxygen because it was free on the airplane! The man was flying with his sister who confirmed this! I also asked about medications, etc. and quickly filled out an incident report.
 Passenger in crisis #2 taken care of!

Back in first class I talked with a wonderful couple who were on their 50th "Honeymoon"! What fun!  As I chatted with them they told me the gentleman had just gotten out of the hospital! Oh Oh! Okay- so how was he doing?  Well- his incision was giving him quite a bit of discomfort!  He was on a blood thinner so couldn't take over the counter pain meds!  His wife said she thought a couple of stiff drinks would do the trick!  Hmm. 

 It was not up to me to play doctor and say "no", but was a bit concerned.  I gave him a watered down drink (Half a little bottle of vodka) with juice and lots of ice. Surprisingly, that one "half" drink took care of his pain!  Okay- Passenger Crisis #3 taken care of!

Everyone eventually arrived in fairly good shape! Mentally I was already preparing for the return flight!  Check the list of items in the first aid and medical kit!  Check the oxygen bottles twice! etc.

On this particular flight I had fellow Flight Attendants that I had flown with before to Anchorage. The gal said "You are sweet and wonderful but I don't want to fly with you anymore! You''re the only Lead Attendant that ALWAYS has medical emergencies on every Anchorage flight!  I think you have bad luck!"

I laughed, knowing she was kidding!...At least I think she was!

I had more Anchorage flights, met some wonderful seniors with great stories- and ya, some more medical emergencies! It was all part of our career!  I seldom ran into something I couldn't handle. And if it was beyond me I usually called for any medical personnel on board. 

There were a few emergency landings in my career to get someone medical help for a passenger in distress- but that's for another story or two!

Until next time, Dear Readers! 
Remember! Life Is Indeed An Adventure, Even When It's A Bumpy Ride!


John Mooney said...

I did the nonstops all summer out of MSP,what a beautiful flight with spectacular scenery and lots of seniors too!

The Flight Nun said...

John- Thank you for your comment! Yes- Breathtaking views from above!I had often wished I could take pictures, though my cheep camera would never have captured the beauty!
aka The Fight Nun

Lynda Padrta said...

Alan and I were going to an Alaskan cruise in 2015 when I got dx with BC. And then we were going to do it in 2018 when he got sick. I always think about that. Not sure if a trip to Alaska was just not meant to be

The Flight Nun said...

Lynda- Thank you for your comment! I have heard that the cruise is spectacular! I've never been either! Sounds like that's something for your bucket list!
aka The Flight Nun