Saturday, September 26, 2020



Last night I dreamt of the Ocean!  I woke to the roar of the incoming waves in my ears!  It took a moment to realize it was just a dream! And with that realization my heart sank!

In truth, I've had a growing Restlessness!  A desire to live outside this self imposed semi-exile. Autumn has always been a restless time for me, but this year is worse!

I am an extrovert!  I'm energized by people and experiences!  And now it's been seven months of Pandemic isolation!  Yes, from time to time I see friends and family- but not often.  They have their lives. The Grandkids are back in school, which means added precautions.  

Beyond my now small circle of humans there's a World calling to me!  Do all fellow crew and former crew members feel as I do?  Is the "Longing" for human voices, faces, stories, laughter, and hugs Universal?  Or is it just me?

So I throw my thoughts, my longings out into the Universe for whoever may hear.  

I vow to seek an adventure, no matter how small.  The Ocean, the Sky, and the Earth are calling!

I acknowledge that my cup overflows with good things. And at the same time what has always been the spark in my life has been sorely missed.

Until next time, Dear Readers!  Thank you for allowing me to share my heart longings during this seemingly never ending Pandemic!

My Mantra for today:    This Too Shall Pass. ....This Too Shall Pass!!


Jerry Padrta said...

We must be related, Marcy. . . . Iam inclined to be outgoing and adventurous like you.

It is the only way to go!!!

The Flight Nun said...

Hello Jerry!
Yep- definitely related! Some "GYPSY" blood perhaps? Hugs from me to you!
Marcy Padrta
aka The Flight Nun