I've often been asked, when speaking of my flying career if I had any celebrities on my flights. Yes- many! In the Summer, many celebrities would fly to Summer Stock theaters in Michigan.
There was Karen Black, Don Knotts, Tim Conway, and the Smother's Brothers, The piano virtuoso Van Cliburn, Eminem and his entourage, and many sports personalities to name just a few.
I had Leonard Nimoy(the original Spock) on board. He had his small son with him. The boy looked to be around four years old, but sat on Mr. Nimoy's lap the entire flight. I'm not sure if it was because the flight was full, but he was allowed to board with one ticket. I asked the agent about it, but was told not to make a big deal about it. This was back in the 1970's, when rules were a bit different. Mr. Nimoy was a quiet and pleasant man, and a loving father to his son.
I also had many sports celebrities on board, the names have been lost to my memory!
The celebrity I remember the most was Vincent Price!
I was flying on the Convair 580. Our last stop before Detroit was Traverse City. During the Summer Traverse City was host to "Summer Stock", so often would carry actors back and forth from there. This one particular evening my plane that could hold up to 48 passengers only had a dozen on board. The last passenger to board was a tall, dark haired, slender gentleman.
It was his voice that first gave him away. Before I could clearly see his face as he walked up the stairs I heard him say "Good Evening, young lady! And what a beautiful evening it is!" It was not said in a dramatic way, just a very pleasant greeting! The voice was deep. mellow, and familiar!
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Vincent Price in "The Pit And The Pendulum" |
Most of the movies I had seen him in were horror movies- not my favorite! Some people love that sort of thing. So- on he walks, minus the vampire makeup, the sinister cape and hat, and whatever other wardrobe prop I usually saw him in. He looked not the least foreboding. When I looked into his eyes I saw dark, sparkling, kind eyes- not the intense angry look of his movies. His eyes were smiling- as if to say how happy he was to be in this place. It's a poor description, perhaps. But I've found that the eyes can speak volumes.
As he walked through the aircraft- bent over a bit because of his height, he quickly shook hands and greeted passengers who were obviously fans. He said he'd come talk to them after take-off. And that's exactly what he did! Once the seatbelt sign was off he took some photos from his briefcase, and signed them. He walked forward to where the other passengers were. sat on an arm rest, and started the conversation by saying "So folks! Where do you hail from?"
After I did my service Mr. Price insisted I sit down. I went into the galley, not wanting to intrude on his time with his obvious fans. He came back to the last row of seats, near the galley. He asked me about myself. I also asked a few questions!
Since I love the theatre and acting, we got around to that subject. He asked if I enjoyed his movies. When I confessed that I didn't care for scary themes that much - and found his characters quite frightening, he let out a belly laugh. I didn't want to offend him- but offended he was not.
He confessed that what was really his love- his passion- was Shakespeare! The movies paid the bills! And- if he scared the Hell out of me- well, he must be doing a good job! All this was said with a twinkle in his eyes. His laughter was kind! HE was kind!
Graciously he talked to all the passengers who wanted to talk. He showed pictures of his wife, his life, and other things besides himself. When we landed in Detroit, no one wanted to deplane! They just sort of stood there, mingling and laughing with this wonderful man!
Finally the agent climbed the stairs to see what was holding us up! The reaction on the agent's face when he saw Vincent Price walking towards him was priceless! Just like me, the agent stood with his mouth forming an OH! He was slightly shocked and mumbled a sort of greeting, to which Mr. Price smiled and extended his hand. The agent slowly backed down the stairs- a big smile of recognition on his face.
Mr. Price stepped into the cockpit while the other passengers deplaned, shaking hands with the pilots. He then turned to me. Shaking my hand I realized that he was one of the few men who's hands made mine look small! They were huge! He said "You are beautiful, inside and out! I can tell! Please stay that way!" For a brief moment he made me a believer!
Since we (the crew) were also deplaning, Vincent Price walked with the pilots, chatting as if he had known them for years! Once inside the terminal he shook each of the pilot's hands and thanked them for a safe and uneventful flight! With that he turned and walked down the terminal concourse.
We just stood there and watched him leave. The Captain said "There goes a Genuine Human Being and a Gentleman! "
Until Next Time, Dear Readers!
In Life's Adventures You Encounter Many People. Some Etch Themselves In Your Memory, Forever Held In Those Moments Of Laughter And Happy Exchange! Mr. Vincent Price, A Prince Of A Man, Was Such A Person!
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