There were major changes that happened in my life once I stated flying! Let's say It's not a 9-5 job! Don't get me wrong, I Loved my career! And I'm not a structured person by nature, so it was a good fit.
There was no such thing as a "regular" schedule! When I first started flying I was on reserve, meaning I was on call! If a flight was delayed or someone called in sick, I was one of the people they called to get to the airport! We didn't have cell phones back then! Land lines only! So-the routine was to have the uniform ready- showered, hair done, and makeup on!
Once I had been there a while (had seniority) I was able to bid for a schedule, and according to my seniority was awarded a month's trips. And every month we bid again, so every month our schedule could change!
It was a good thing I didn't require a lot of sleep! There were times I went on 4-5 hours at a stretch! We did have a minimum requirement for rest time on overnights if the weather delayed us, but that often left me exhausted by the time I got home!
Once I became a Mother there was little "recovery" time when I got home! I think I was sleep deprived most of my son's growing up years!
Early in my career I seldom if ever had a Holiday off from flying! I would pack little gifts for the crew and some special food to help celebrate while flying! After a time and before I was married I would choose to fly during the holidays, giving less senior people the chance to be home with family. I had no family in the area, so I would rather fly than be alone on a Holiday!
My Mantra became "Holidays are in the Heart, Not on the Calendar!" Even after having children there were times my flight schedule kept me from home on special days! Since my husband was also a Pilot, the boys grew up knowing the celebrations would come, just not exactly as was on the calendar!
My son Steven is a pilot! Ever since he started his flying career he had the same "Mantra" about Holidays. His wife and family have accepted this way of thinking, and enjoy celebrations whenever the schedule allows!
When I started flying back in January of 1969 the crews had no food provided by the airline. We could fly for 12 hours without a morsel of food, unless a bag of peanuts was considered a meal! I would make salami sandwiches for myself and the crew, along with a piece of fruit! Anything to stave off hunger! I probably was at my skinniest during that time!
We Stewardesses were weighed once a month. At that time there was a strict weight restriction for Stews! While other girls were sweating the weigh in- I was on notice for being too thin! The first 6 months I flew I was down to 110 pounds! With a medium large build and 5 foot 7 I was skin and bones! What the company didn't know was along with there being no crew meals on the flights, I was suffering from motion sickness! I gutted it out, determined to overcome the endless stomach turns that accompanied turbulence! It worked! I found a way to ease the stomach issues and gained 8 pounds! Still thin by airline standards, but no longer looking like a skeleton! I kept that weight most of my career!
In short- the career often didn't fit into the 9-5 world! I struggled to adapt my flight schedule to the responsibilities of motherhood, functions at my church, and the married life of a homemaker. I am so blessed to have had my career! I survived the difference between the 9-5 world and the airline life! I indeed made sacrifices I didn't always want to make. But along with my joy of Motherhood was the call of the Sky and the Thrill of the Flight!
I have Residue From my past "Flying" life!
I still have weird sleep patterns and insomnia. I am happy to eat my meal standing up, like we use to do in the galley on International fights! I still have that itchy foot to travel! I'm comfortable with the 24 hour clock. And I keep a shelf in my linen closet of "traveling" toiletries, and accessories!
Would I change my history? Yes and no! I wish I had been with my sons more! That I would have changed! But other than that, No!
It was a Wonderful Career, filled with Memories of People, Places, and Experiences!
For that I am so Grateful!
Until next time, Dear Readers! Thank you for following along!
My career began in March 1969.ha I have many of your memories especially being on reserve & flying on holidays.
Dear Unknown-
Sounds like we have many similar memories! Thank you for following along! I appreciate your comment!
Marcy Padrta
aka The Flight Nun
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