Monday, September 28, 2020



What does a retired Stewardess/ Flight Attendant do when she's longing for the sky but  can't jump on a commercial flight?

Jump for Joy when her pilot son says "Want to go flying today?"!  I  have yet to say no!  (This lady is in Love with the sky!)   To view the Earth from "God's Eye" is to me an amazing thing!

During my flying career I would glance at the window when my duties would allow!  I've seen some amazing terrain from "above" !  I've seen breathtaking sunrises and sunsets - Northern lights, and the beautiful stars in the night sky- all from a birds eye point of view!  I never tired of it! 

Not all crew members shared my enthusiasm.  One young Flight Attendant said I was either a tree hugger or a reincarnated bird! Ha! 

But on this day I was given the gift of again "soaring" above and enjoying the beauty!

My son Steven is a Captain for Spirit Airlines.  He also owns this lovely aircraft called a "Maule"! This airplane is a Tail Wheel aircraft that holds four people.

Yep- that's my favorite pilot!  He grew up in an "Airline Family" and at the age of three informed me he was going  to be a pilot!

A lot of hard work and lean years later (All pilots can relate!)  he achieved his dream!

                    Will take-offs ever stop being a thrill for me?  Don't think that will ever happen! 

                                                   I Love catching our shadow as we take off!

                       We are airborne!  Now to take a look at our beautiful World from above!

Happy to be flying again!  I'm the Co-Pilot on this particular flight!

                                                                Captain Steven!  

                                       Navigational equipment sure has changed over the years!

Stopping at Napoleon Airport for lunch is a great idea!  Sitting by a window watching airplanes land and take off as we ate really great food was the best!

The picture's too dark to see that my Granddaughter is sitting in the Co-pilot's seat here!  She and I would always vie for that "in-flight" position! Lol!  It usually ended up being 50/50!

Usually she's gracious and lets me be the Co-Pilot! As you can tell by her life vest, we were flying over water here.

With the large tires on this airplane we can easily take off  and land on grass runways and what my son calls "Bush Pilot" strips!

 Not long ago we landed at a strip in Northern Michigan near Lake Huron.  Guess this is not a busy airstrip, though my son told me it's an International air strip since U.S. Customs will fly in here! I think this old building use to be a hanger!  I'd love to know the history of that building!

As with all good things, they must come to an end for the time being!

There is nothing quite as beautiful as a sunset from the air!

And so ended my lovely day in the air!  It will have to hold me for a while!

I'm so grateful that my family has me come with them on some of these adventures!  Thank you, son Steven for your gracious invitations and wonderful flying expertise!

Until next time, Dear Readers!  Thank you for coming along on  my Flying Day Adventure!

Remember that Life is Indeed An Adventure!  And Even A Pandemic Won't  Keep Us From Loving Life !

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