Monday, August 31, 2020



I've had many a person ask me when I first was interested in flying- also why!? .  My answer has always been the same.  "For as long as I can remember"! And because I fell in love with the sky!

That's not exactly accurate.  I can remember smidgens of being two years old. But my love of  "The Sky" began when I was around three or four.  My family had moved to the "Little pink house on the corner" in Clarion, Iowa.  Right across the street was the municipal park and swimming pool!  Kitty corner was the Catholic School grounds with wonderful apple trees.  It was a nature girl's dream!


In the park, as well as the Catholic School grounds there were wonderful "tree climbing" trees!  Much to my Mother's chagrin, I use to climb those trees- as far as the upper branches would allow!  There I would brace myself and watch the birds soar in the heavens!  Often times the wind would blow, gently swaying me in my perch. It was if Mother Nature was rocking me in her arms!  When there was chaos in my home, the trees, the gentle rocking of the wind, and that wonderful sky was very comforting for me.

One day I was watching a large bird soaring in the heavens.  It was if I somehow connected with it!  I could almost feel the power of the wings, the wind against the face and head, and the view it had from the heavens!  I can call it a child's imagination, an empathic experience,  or a Spiritual connection.  But which ever it was the experience was profound.

From that day on, I was in love- perhaps even obsessed with flying!  I would often imagine lifting away from the Earth- and the thrill of it.  Even in my dreams, I would soar over corn fields, cities and mountains, flying low over lakes, and chase geese and ducks as they flew away from me. This was before I even had my first actual flying experience!

There were times people would ask why I would choose the career I did!  After all, it was not the 9-5 regular hours! Holidays were if'y at best. Sleep patterns were messed up big time. there was little structure in the day to day life, because schedules were constantly changing. The list would go on. This was usually asked by people who could not phantom an unstructured life!

For one, I'm not a structured person by nature! I had no problem switching time zones! I've never been a "sitter"- rather more of a mover and shaker!  So only sitting for landing and takeoff was right up my alley! I switched easily from one time zone to another.  It just wasn't a problem for me.

When I was hired with North Central Airlines I looked forward to a career of doing the two things I enjoyed the most.  Working with people- and Flying!!  

It's been a long road from the "Climbing Tree" of my childhood to the present day.  I've flown both domestic and International.  I've watched Sunrises and Sunsets at 30,000 feet.  I've flown through hail,  lightening storms, and blizzards as well as perfect smooth blue skies! I loved it all!

I've never tired of it!  Now that I'm retired I've become a passenger both in commercial and private airplanes.  

If I live to be 103 years old I will, God willing, still be in an airplane, my nose pressed against the window,  feeling the thrill of take off and the view of the World from above!

Thank you for taking this trip of nostalgia with me!

My wish for all of you, Dear Readers is that you too will know what your true passion is and enjoy it to the fullest! 

Until next time!  Remember that life is indeed an adventure, even when it's a bumpy ride!



LaRae said...

Very cool blog!

The Flight Nun said...

LaRae- Thank you for your comment! I'm so glad you enjoyed my memories and musings!
Marcy Padrta
aka The Flight Nun