Monday, March 24, 2014

Marcy's Travel Blog- Fleeing Winter!!

I feel like the author, Laura Ingalls Wilder- writing about "The LONG Winter"!  This year's cold season has seemed exceptionally long and cold! With my last post in December, I had moved back into town from a ranch I was staying at. Even with that move into town, there were many sub zero days where old man Winter had me trapped indoors.

The Holidays were followed by family illnesses and my own seasonal sniffles. All in all, I suffered most from something called "Cabin Fever"! I know there are those of you who know just how I've felt!

Then my oldest son found a lovely home he decided to buy. So, once purchased, he and my daughter-in-law have gone about renovating, painting, and generally redoing this beautiful place. I, in return, have tried to be "back up" for cleaning, child care, and what not.

They haven't moved into their new place just yet. They are still working on it. But once they move, I'll be taking over and renting their present home. It'll be a joy to have my own place again. I'm looking forward to having dinner parties and guests from out of town. That is something I haven't been able to do for quite some time. For those of you who know me well, you know that I love to entertain!

I usually escape Winter by February, but am a bit late this year due to all the activity! But - today I am leaving!!

Today I head for a place called Columbia, South Carolina! True, it won't be the tropics! I'm told the temperatures this week will be in the high 50's and low 60's. But that certainly beats temperatures in the 20's!

Added to that is my anticipation of seeing three wonderful young women I had the pleasure of watching grow up! These three are my best friend's daughters. Grown now, with families of their own, we've managed to keep in touch via Facebook!

SO! Today I board a plane to Columbia by way of Flint, Michigan to Atlanta and then Atlanta to Columbia! At last, I am once again spreading my wings and flying into the wild blue yonder! It has indeed been a LONG WINTER!

Follow along, as I see what sort of trouble I can get into with these three! I'm anticipating some fun! (AND some sunshine!)  Yes!

Life is an adventure, even when it's a bumpy ride!

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