I woke Friday, December 21st to our first snow fall here in Howell, Michigan. I seem to remember a slight dusting of snow last month, but that melted quickly. Friday we had snow that stuck, high winds, and overcast skies all day.
Perhaps it was the dark overcast sky or the falling temperature, but my body felt heavy and my movements slow. I didn't even make my bed. It was a day of lazy inner reflection.
Friday, December 21st. ---A day that was predicted to be the "End Of The World". Growing up in Iowa during the "Cold War", I had heard this type of hysteria most of my life. If it wasn't the church claiming Christ was coming at any moment to take his own, it was the nuclear bomb shelters and school bomb drills- also marking the "END" of life as we knew it. So-this Mayan prediction I took with a grain of salt.
I spent the morning on my computer, reading and participating in Jim Schaefer's live blog (with The Detroit Free Press) on the Corruption Trial of former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and two other defendants.At 9:30 a.m. I took a moment of silence to remember the 20 children and 6 adults killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in NEWTOWN, Conn. (I was surprised that despite a request for this moment of silence, the court case I was watching continued without this pause.) I've been following this live blog from the beginning, missing only a few days. Though I thoroughly enjoy- and am interested in this case and what the outcome will be- and also am fascinated by the comments of my fellow bloggers- I'm glad this court case will not be back in session until January 3rd.
I realize that between this particular court case and the horrific events at Newtown, Conn.- and the continual media- I was simply in "input overload"! I turned off my computer and gave my old brain a break!
Perhaps I can blame the Mediterranean blood from my ancestors, but each winter I long for warm breezes, sunshine on my face, and the sound of ocean waves pounding against a sandy beach. Maybe my lack of ambition that day was due to the cold and gloomy sky.
I did not feel guilty for longing for ocean breezes and sunshine. I didn't even feel guilty for not fixing my bed! Ha!
I sat watching my granddaughter play, singing happy little songs as she ran through the house. I took it all in- the laughter of this little one, the happy banter of my son and daughter-in-law as they planned their ski trip, and the sound of the wind outside.
Normally I'm a mover and a shaker. I'm happiest moving and doing. But perhaps from time to time we all need to sit quietly, put aside our daily routine, and just "BE". Friday was such a day for me.
I found myself counting blessings. As the wind howled around the corners of the house, I was so grateful for a warm roof over my head, the company of loved ones, a full belly, clean water to drink, and my strength and health- which, at my age, is a fantastic blessing. These things can easily be taken for granted in the day to day busy hustle of living. But that day I felt overwhelmed with gratitude.
And as nightfall came and Christmas lights were turned on, I added to my blessings the ability of seeing and experiencing another Christmas holiday, another day of experiencing and enjoying- with or without accomplishment.
Yes- from time to time, I find a lazy, quiet day of reflexion a wonderful way to stop and count blessings!
So though life can have many a bumpy ride- take a moment, an hour, or maybe a whole day to just enjoy and be thankful! And Thank You, dear readers, for following along as I meander through my days of adventure, and moments of reflexion!
May the Spirit of GRATITUDE, KINDNESS, and an OPEN HEART be part of your holiday!
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