Friday, December 16, 2011

Marcy's Travel Blog- Ocean Beaches and Sunsets!

For a nature lover such as myself, nothing beats the beach, or walking an ocean beach at sunset! I had the opportunity to enjoy many of those while in Carpinteria, California! Thanks to my hostess, Phyllis and her faithful canine, West Coast Kenny, my heart AND camera were filled with the wonderful experience of nature at its most glorious. My only dilemma now is choosing among the many beautiful pictures. The following are just a few! Since pictures speak louder than words, I'll simply invite you to enjoy!

The Carpinteria Bluffs Nature Preserve:

In the Spring, these bluffs are covered with flowers!

Carpinteria Seal Sanctuary at the Bluffs:

The setting sun gave this old tree a magical quality!

Carpinteria Beach:

Lovingly call the "Little Man", Kenny enjoyed the last pink rays of sunlight

Phyllis and Kenny

Suddenly everything turned silver!

Then the shy was orange!

Phyllis, with camera in hand.

A mountain sunset:

Rincon Point, a surfer's paradise:

A surfer's idea of Christmas decor! Flip flops on the tree!

Far left center you can see a truck on the highway that runs by Rincon Point.

Tide pools!

Surfer on his way to catch a wave.

Surfer with board silloetted against the fading light.

A last night at Carpinteria beach with Kenny and Phyllis:

I'd say this dog's name should be "Horse"!

Kenny posing in his Santa suit for Phyllis.

A perfect place to jog!

The last glow of day!

Thank you Phyllis and Kenny for allowing me to join you on these wonderful, beauty-filled walks!!

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