Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Marcy's Travel Blog- Dear Lego Inc., My Faith In You Has Returned- A Bit!

As you folks have read in my last post, I had quite a fiasco with Lego Inc. and my grandson Christmas gift. I heard back from them again..  Now, that's a bit more like it. And though it doesn't eliminate the fact that my grandson didn't get his gift on Christmas day, it does show a more contrite spirit on their part.. I think it's only fair, since you read my rantings concerning this company, to show you their attempt to rectify the situation!

Dear Marcy,
Thanks for getting in touch with us and for your recent LEGO Shop at Home order.
It's great to hear from you again!
I'm really sorry that you're not happy with the way we've handled this matter. I can understand your frustration and know that you were just hoping to have a present to give to your grandson. It's not our intention to disappoint LEGO® fans, but unfortunately it appears that has happened in this case.
As a courtesy, I am refunding your original payment card for the purchase amount of $52.99. This is for the price of the White House set and sales tax. I hope you will see this gesture as an attempt to restore your faith in the LEGO brand and our Customer Service. You should see the funds on your card in roughly 3-8 business days.
Your comments are being forwarded to the appropriate managers for review with advisors. Once again, please accept my apologies for any inconvenience that you experienced.
Thank you again for contacting us.  If you have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this email or call one of our friendly Customer Care Advisors at 1-800-835-4386 (from within the US or Canada) or 1-860-749-0706 (from outside the US or Canada). We are available Monday through Friday from 8AM - 10PM EST and Saturday through Sunday from 10AM to 6PM EST.  Please have your reference number handy if you need to get in touch with us.
Happy building!
LEGO Direct Consumer Services

I can't deny that the "It's great to hear from you again!" comment had to be a bit of sarcasm!! They must be considering me a nightmare! But, fair is fair. At least they made a better effort.
I know what other Lego Architecture model Evan would  also love, so an extra gift- plus a little something Lego for the two year old granddaughter (so she doesn't feel left out) ought to make for a happier end to Christmas!

As a side note, I've always been hesitant to purchase children's gifts in July for Christmas, since their interests may change. But I'm beginning to believe that it's the way to go! It certainly would alleviate a situation such as this one! Hmm!  My daughter-in-law is the queen of finding specials and sales. I think I'll be picking her brain come July! Ha! (Now to convince my grand kids that sand shovels and flip flops are good Christmas gifts!!)

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