Saturday, November 12, 2011

Marcy's Travel Blog-Canton (Days 3-5) Mother Nature Revised Our Plans!

   As the air turned chill and the dark clouds rolled in, I silently and sadly bid goodbye to Fall. I realized that my plans for outdoor activities were a bit naive. It was time to put the imagination into play and invent adventures indoors! For this I went to the experts- the children!

Making a cozy corner and calling it a "Math tent"

Watching the full moon through passing clouds
Fashion show- modeling a party frock

Decorating note paper (Meghana is a talented 7 year old!)

Making a play fort out of a table, chairs, and sheets!

Making new friends! My granddaughter Paylee (left) and Sanika (right)

"Reading"  pictures!

Movie and a snack (with dolls for extra company)
The abacus can be fun once you know how to use it!

Saying goodbye!
A beautiful sunrise brings the promise of sunshine and better weather!
      A child's imagination is a wonderful adventure in itself! A BIG "Thank you" to Meghana, Sanika, and Paylee for sharing your mini adventures with me!

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