Sunday, May 26, 2024


During my flying career there were many times when we carried human remains- soldiers- to their final resting place. Many times their family was onboard. One particular event comes to the front of my memory.

We had just landed in Detroit. The "Welcome to Detroit" announcement was made by me. Then the Captain came on the PA and announced that we were carrying a soldier to his final resting place, the family was onboard- please remain seated to give respect while the family deplanes.

I was standing at the door when a man in First Class- red faced and frustrated said "I don't have time for this Sh**" came forward and shoved me out of the way so he could deplane.

Now- the Captain was a very tall man- with Wide shoulders- so was a very imposing man. He heard the man's comment along with me let out a "OH!" as the man shoved me. He flew out of the cockpit, hat in hand. Once that hat was on he looked even taller!

Out the door the Captain went at a run.  I was still standing at the door as the family began to deplane. And then I saw them- the Captain and the rude passenger. The Captain wasn't yelling- he was actually speaking very quietly!

As the Captain and rude passenger stood in the jetway- they both gave their condolences to the family as the family passed by. The rude passenger's face was very red. He kept looking at the Captain for reassurance!

Then the other passengers deplanes while the Captain and rude passenger continued to stand in the jetway.  Finally the Captain quietly said to the rude passenger "You may go".

I later asked the Captain what in the world he said to get that passenger to return to the aircraft. The Captain gave me a beautiful flash of a smile and said "Didn't need to say much- just told him he WAS going to turn around and give respect to our fallen soldier and the family. Then I put a gentle hand on his shoulder. That was it."

Looking into that Captain's eyes I could tell how much that sign of respect meant to him- as well as all of us!

Thank you, dear Captain for standing up for our fallen hero and his family!

Remember,  Honoring Our Fallen Soldiers Is A Song From Our Hearts And Tears In Our Eyes!


Monday, August 7, 2023


                       Ruby Encore

Greetings!  I decided to take a road trip! 

 My leased vehicle is one and a half years old!  I don't even have 3,000 miles on it yet!  Since I need to get back to Michigan to deal with my storage unit, driving seemed the best way to go.  I can see a bit of the U.S.A. plus have a way to bring a few treasures back to Florida.

So!  Sunday sounds like a good day to drive, right?  No business traffic. I headed off at 10:30 a.m. toward my first stop- Marietta, Ga. The info on "maps" said it would be a 6 1/2 hour drive from Lady Lake, Florida.  

Of course, that was not taking into account stopping at every other "rest stop" to give my tail bone a break, stretch, and use the facilities!

Lady Lake isn't really near any expressway- so it takes a bit of meandering to get to one.  Once on I-75 heading north- I hit my first glitch, immediate stop and go. (I never did find out why)  About 30 minutes later I was at 70 miles/hr.  

Florida drivers are a bit scarier than Michigan drivers.  Both tend to go WAY beyond the speed limit, but in Florida they will zigzag cross three lanes 4 times to get 2 car lengths ahead! And we have a combo of those going 45mph and those going 85-90!  I stayed in the middle lane and just watched it all unfold!

Heading north bound I entered Georgia in time to see a horrific accident in the south bound lanes!  Multiple cars- a car hauler jackknifed, blocking all lanes- behind that a combo of cars, semi's. and campers all in different positions- some sideways across more than one lane.  I have no idea what happened, but there was more than one ambulance there!  That back up will last for a really long time!

After that it was fairly smooth sailing!  I saw some really pretty scenery.  Since this was a "strictly travel" day, I didn't do any exploring. 

Driving I-75 around Atlanta is a bit of a challenge. I've said it before, the city planners were drinking spiked Sassafras tea when they came up with this traffic flow plan!  Bless their hearts! What a sense of humor!

Six exits away from my destination all traffic came to a halt!  The lanes were closed due to construction- so it was going from 5 lanes down to 2.   Sigh!  By now I'm more than a bit road weary, but it was what it was. I finally arrived at Marietta's Drury Inn at 6:30 p.m.

That was 8 hours of road time- with 4 rest stops and one gas station. 

I think I'll forgo the "how far can I go" challenge! Tomorrow's drive is supposed to take about 4-5 hours. Will see how it goes.  But I'm heading to a place I really love- Beria, Kentucky!

So- hope to share some good pictures, if the weather permits!

Remember, Life Is An Adventure- Even When There's A Few Bumps In The Road!

Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 Yesterday I had the privilege of visiting the "Ocala World Equestrian Center" in Ocala, Florida!  What an amazing place!  For those interested in this place, you can pull it up on YouTube!  It boasts so many indoor and outdoor arenas, it boggles the mind!  But more on that later.

The beautiful statue in the above picture has a story that captured my attention and heart- and I'd like to share it with you!

This is Staff Sergeant Reckless (19481968) of the 5th Marine Regiment-1st Marine Division!

SSgt Reckless served valiantly with the United StatedMarine Corps in the Korean War. During the pivotal five-day Battle of Outpost Vegas in late March 1953, she made 51 round trips in a singled- most of them solo- from the Ammunition Supply Point to the firing sites. She carried 386 rounds of ammunition totaling more than 9,000 pounds, and walked over 35 miles, through open rice paddies and up steep mountains- all as enemy fire exploded at the rate of 500 rounds per minute.

Reckless provided a shield for front-line marines, carried the wounded to safety, and was wounded twice. But she never quit until the mission was complete. She wasn't a horse- She was a Marine!

SSgt Reckless is buried at the Stepp Stables, MCB Camp Pendleton, where she spent her final years before her death in 1968.

Her Military Decorations: Two Purple Hearts- Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal- Presidential Unit Citation- Navy Unit Commendation- National Defense Service Medal- United Nations Service Medal- Korean Service Medal w/ 3 stars- Republic of Korean Presidential Unit Citation

This story gives me pause to consider a few things.  Life itself is not always easy, for any of us.  But enduring, continuing, having courage --those are qualities to get us through.  A good lesson learned from Lady SSgt Reckless!  And we all Thank You for your service!

A few pretty pictures from my visit yesterday:

Until Next Time!  Remember, Life Is An Adventure! And Often New Lessons And Reminders Enhance The Adventures, Indeed!  Be Like Lady Reckless! Never Give Up!

Friday, November 18, 2022


 Summer time in Florida can be a bit toasty!  So, August of this year I said goodbye to Florida heat and headed north to Michigan and family!

                                     Goodbye, Florida!

My host for my stay was my ex-husband! After being divorced for 35 years, we've become good friends- allowing us to enjoy our family and get-togethers without any drama, etc.

He has a lovely place in the country.  This was my morning coffee spot- quiet and tranquil!

In spite of  my family's busy schedule- they still  made time for gatherings! My Son Steven and family always host our family gatherings!

Daughter-in-law Mia always puts on a wonderful feast for family gatherings!  Her steaks are out of this world!! Yum!

It was perfect weather for dinners, sharing stories, and thoroughly enjoying each other!

The next adventure was (of course) a flying one! 

We headed to Owosso, Michigan. My son Steven flew his Maule, (along with my Ex) giving me time to laugh and enjoy time with my Granddaughter Payton!  

 Once in Owosso we had lunch at the little cafe there at the airport!  They were closing, but stayed open to feed us!  Gracious people!

My Son and Granddaughter headed on to Traverse City, while my Mr. Ex and I picked up his aircraft that was being worked on.

Off we went, heading bak 
towards Brighton, doing some circles along the way to check a few things out!  It was a little bumpy, but lots of fun!

Now the "Real" adventure began!  Mr. Ex decided he was going to trim trees! (Farm boy style!) With ME at the controls!  Using his tractor bucket, he had ME hoist him up to tree top level!  Oh my!

The higher the bucket went, the more the whole thing shook! 

I told him- "Don't you dare fall! " If something happened and I have to tell the police I was controlling this thing  ( Yes, Officer! I'm the ex-wife and it really WAS an accident!)- They would never believe me!  Lol!  Thankfully, nothing happened!

My reward for that nerve wracking experience was an evening at a lovely outdoor place called "Brewery Becker".

Their main beverage is beer, which I don't drink. But there are other beverages and wonderful snacks to be had.  You can even bring your own food and your dog- and enjoy a brew and outdoor quiet time!

We had cheese and smoked salmon, served with bread- yummy! 

I had a ride into town in Mr. Ex's  model T!

But... I had to be the one to give it a PUSH to start! Good thing I still have muscles! I insisted I knew how to "Pop a Clutch", but pushing was my job, I guess. Going down his driveway was easy- but trying to give it a push when it was time to leave town was a bit of a challenge! In truth, a ride in that vehicle was FUN!

Another highlight was taking my Daughter-in-law and Grandkids out to the Olive Garden- where the dessert of Italian donuts made a big hit!

 So- it was back to Florida after two really wonderful weeks with family!

And then came Hurricane Ian!  At the last minute I got the last First Class seat out of Orlando- on the last Delta flight to leave before Orlando airport shut down!  

30 minutes after take-off this is what I saw out the window!

 I had another wonderful visit, but failed to take pictures! 

Son Steven and family took us to a restaurant called "The Gandy Dancer" in Ann Arbor, Michigan!  It's an old train station converted into a beautiful restaurant.  The food and service was superb.  It is quite an expensive place! So grateful for the opportunity to enjoy that experience with family! As always, Steven's humor was in high gear!  What fun!

Here we are at the Gandy Dancer. 
Steven wrote: 
When I’m with my Mom I revert to being 5 years old. She’s looking for something specific in her purse and I jump in. I put on her glasses, eat the candy, take the money. It doesn’t even phase her.
😂 My kids enjoy the banter.

Two weeks later I flew back to Florida- with no damage to my property and only a few plants in stress.

So that's my Michigan adventures!  My next?  Heading back to Michigan on Christmas day to family- and a bit of pet sitting!

Until Next Time!  Remember, Life Is Indeed An Adventure! And  When Trimming Trees Or During Hurricane Season The Adventure Gets Even More Interesting! 

I Am Blessed With Love And Laughter Through It All!

Sunday, September 11, 2022



It's now been 21 years, but it's in mt memory as if it happened yesterday!

The Anniversary of the 9/11 attack is almost here.
Every American alive during the 9/11 attack was effected in some way.  We all remember where we were when we heard of the awful happenings in New York and elsewhere. Here are thoughts I have previously put into print. Those events changed my thinking on many things!

I wrote a piece  five years ago, trying to put into words my emotions concerning the 9/11 event.  As I read through this today I realized I need to add that I also grieve the loss of the many people on the ground- and the first responders that lost their lives that day.

 I also want to Honor the people and First Responders that fell ill and lost their lives in the following days and years with the complications  that came with the 9/11 attack   It is my true heart felt Tribute to the 9/11 victims.

What I wrote 5 years ago was- and is a Tribute to the many Flight Crews and Passengers that perished on board the aircrafts that day. 

When this happened I was a Flight Attendant, on an airplane- getting ready for take-off from Detroit heading to Los Angeles.  We were rolling down the runway, almost air born when the tower shut us down. All the Airports in the Nation were being closed down!  So-this happened very "close to home." Once we were off the aircraft I,  along with the rest of the Flight Crew paused by the Airport Bar that had the T.V. on.  I saw images of the Twin Towers and heard the reports of different aircraft going "missing".  

One of my fellow Flight Attendants who was working my flight was desperately trying to reach her daughter- who worked in one of the Twin Towers at a bank there!  I couldn't imagine her feeling of anguish at not being able to reach her!  (Later she found out that her daughter was on a subway- stuck underground- unable to get to work- because the subway driver was ordered to stop!  The daughter was saved by just a few extra minutes on that subway!)

Once down in the Flight Crew Offices the Manager came out and told us to return home.  They would keep in touch about future flights.  I turned the radio on as soon as I got to my car- and cried all the way home!  I couldn't believe what was happening! 

Through the years movies and documentaries have been made about 9/11.  I still can't bring myself to watch them!  

The following is what I wrote 5 years ago, 14 years after it happened:

I've been working on this piece for a while now.  If it tends to ramble a bit, please forgive me, dear reader.  When it comes to the 9/11 attacks, my heart and mind are full of such feelings and thoughts, it's hard to put it all down.  So here is my feeble attempt to give tribute to the flight crews that perished in the 9/11 terrorist attacks:

As we approach the anniversary of 9/11 - my mind wanders back to my childhood.  My Step-Father was a World War II vet- stationed in Hawaii.  I heard so many stories about that war.  Horror stories, loss of human life, and many tales of the  heroic efforts of the pilots stationed there.

I remember thinking (as a child) that surely now we have evolved beyond wars.  After all- how primitive to send our younger and finest to kill each other!  But  how naive and idealistic I was! By the time I was a senior in High School, the Viet NamWar  was a real reality check.  I realized that my "idealism" was indeed not reality.

Something more than idealism was lost within me that September 11th.  The innocent feeling of safety on board our aircrafts, and within our own beloved country-  That feeling of safety and security was gone.

I can not begin to know the horror that went on in the Cockpits and Cabins of those aircraft.  I can imagine, if I let myself.  I choose not to.  It would be too heartrending. I can no longer remember the exact number of crews and passengers that perished that day.  But knowing the terrorists used aircraft and humans as "human bombs" to destroy buildings and human life -it was and is horrifying to think about. That nightmare stayed with me for a long time.

The church I attended held a memorial service after September 11th. I was honored to be chosen to light candles at that service, representing and in honor of the flight crews.  I did it with tears streaming down my face.  But just as a funeral gives a certain sort of closer, so did that Memorial service for me.  I vowed not to forget them. And I came to grips with the "new" reality that had thrust itself on our industry.

Now I still light candles on their behalf each September 11th. They were our Sisters and Brothers within the realm of our industry. They were "US" !

Rest In Peace.

Sunday, August 7, 2022


Once upon a time, a long time ago I went to Gatlinburg, Tn.! The occasion was a church group I and my then husband belonged to.  From time to time we all took trips together- to camp, picnic, and yes- White Water Rafting!

I had never been white water rafting, but was game.  "If these folks could do it" I told myself,  "I can too!"  This happened about 40 years ago, so some of the particulars are rather fuzzy.  Yet two events that happened that trip will forever stand out in my memory!

It was a hot day- I do remember that! I had only one bathing suit- a bikini. Since I was rather skinny and small chested, I didn't worry about being too "sexy" for a church group. 

We left from our lovely campsite by bus. Once at the river the guide ran us through the safety precautions, warnings about the rapids, etc. If I remember right, there were six of us on each raft. Off we took, with a guide in his canoe following along. I was in seat 2 right- with my husband insisting on sitting in the rear.

It didn't take too long before we were in trouble. No matter how hard I paddled, as did the rest of the group, we didn't seem to have much control of the raft! What the heck! About 15 minutes into the rapids we hit a huge rock on the left side.  The gal sitting to my left fell over onto me and out of the raft I went!

Cold!  I mean COLD! The water was like ice! I'm a good swimmer, so no problem there!  But I didn't want to go down the rapids without a raft!  Getting back into the raft, however was another matter! This is when I realized my upper body strength wasn't what was needed. My lips were turning blue from the cold water. Deep shivers took over my body!  My raft kept floating down stream.  Another raft from my group came to pick me up.  Hard as I tried, the raft was just a bit too high for me to hoist myself into.  Seeing this, one of the guys from the group said something like "Forgive me!"- reached down as I was attempting to raise myself up, grabbed me by my butt and hauled me into their raft! Though I was grateful for the help- I could've done without the big grin on his face!

In just a bit they got me transferred back to my original raft.  My husband was grinning from ear to ear, which should have given me a clue for what was to follow!

Down the river we went, hitting rapids after rapids! Again, no matter how hard we paddled we always seemed out of control! At the last rapids there was a camera man standing on a huge rock, taking pictures as we passed.  As we approached the last rapids we were suddenly turning- until we went down the rapids backwards!

Our guide had a few choices words for my husband!  It seems that my husband was acting like a rudder, and for thrills and giggles caused us to completely turn around!  Later the guide said he realized my husband was messing with the raft the whole trip! The guide was NOT happy! Though it all made for a memorable ride- it took me a while to forgive my husband!

The second incident happened at the campgrounds.  There was a lovely pool there! As we were all sitting around the pool a 13 year old boy from our group made a comment about me being too old to out swim a young man such as himself!  His name was Doug. He was the son of one of the ladies in our group. (I will note that I was in my mid 30's at the time, though perhaps ancient according to him!)

Well- I pride myself in my swimming ability.  Plus this young buck wasn't going to get away with such a challenge. So- I proposed a race. 3 lengths- starting at the deep end and ending at the shallow. Whoever got to the end first wins!

Off we went!  I have to admit, he was a good swimmer!  But yes- I was faster!  Now comes the BAD part! Reaching the shallow end first, I lept up, hands in the air and yelled a Yahoo!

The young man looked up, then in shock looked away and swam in the opposite direction!  What?? I looked down to realize the top of my bikini had shifted, exposing my left breast! Oh God! I screamed! 

Did I keep quiet and act like nothing happened?! NO!! Big mouth me screamed to his mother "Diana!! I just accidentally exposed myself to your son!! Oh My God!!"  There was a moment of silence from the group- followed by laughter! I, of course was humiliated!

That night, around the dinner table we all shared,  Doug would not look at me.  He wouldn't look at me the whole evening!  I mentioned this to his Mom.

The next day I was coming out of the shower area when who was standing there? Doug! With a big grin on his face!  In fact, the rest of the day, every time I looked up, there was Doug, grinning at me! Oh Dear! Ha!

Years later a now grown up Doug asked me to retell the story of our "Swimming compition".  He seemed to love the retelling of it!  By then I had gotten over the humiliation of the incident and found the story funny.

So that's the two unforgettable events from my Gatlinburg trip! 

Thank you for following along as I walk down memory lane!

Life Is Indeed An Adventure!  And Shooting The Rapids Backwards As Well As Surviving A Rather Humiliating Incident Makes The adventure One To Remember!

Monday, August 1, 2022


 Flying to Seoul, Korea was always an interesting experience! With strong winds on the nose of the aircraft, the flight to Seoul from Detroit could take upwards of 13 hours!

I had a Tae Kwon Do Master that was from Seoul.  On one of my first trips to Seoul he was back in Korea, wanted to have me get together with his wife and family for an evening out! He met me at the hotel shortly after I arrived. They whisked me away for a traditional Korean meal with me still in my uniform!

I was introduced to Korean barbecue and something called "Kimchi". The food was delicious! But I ate the Kimchi (Fermented spicy cabbage) a bit too fast! Hot!  Very hot! My eyes watered and my host family laughed good naturally at my wide eyed, gasping response!

After dinner they took me to Namsan Tower's observation deck.  This tower sits on Namsan Mountain. After a cable car ride we had to walk up a steep hill to get to the tower.  This was a bit tricky, since I was still in my 2 inch heels!  I thought about taking my shoes off, but didn't want to run my hose!

The view of Seoul at night from this tower was spectacular! I guess "breath taking" would be an adequate description! Since we had arrived late, we didn't have a lot of time there.  The announcement was made that the tower was closing- please go to the elevators and exit.

We all made a dash for the elevators. Everyone that was on the observation deck poured in, so it was a very crowded elevator!  My Tae Kwon Do's wife poked me in the ribs.  "Everyone is looking at you!", she said.  I glanced around and sure enough, all eyes were on me! With my heels on I was 5 foot 9inches- and towered over everyone in that elevator!  What could I do?!  I smiled and said "HELLO!"  Their response?  In unison everyone gave a hearty "HELLO! " in return! I couldn't help but chuckle at that.  Instead of them being negative about me being there, they were simply curious.  I was touched by their friendliness!

There are many adventures that I've had in Seoul, Korea that I will write about another time. But this first experience with the food and people set the stage for a wonderful relationship between me, Seoul, and the Korean people!

Until Next Time!  Remember, Life Is Indeed An Adventure, and Widening One's View Of The World Through International Travel Is A Wonderful Adventure!