Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Back in 2008 I was contacted by the Detroit New about doing a series of articles.  At first they thought I should write about the working homemaker/mother. But I was about to retire, as was my friend Diana Berry.  The two of us were as opposite as can be, except for our love of travel! We deciding to take an extended  road trip! Contacting the Detroit News I broached the idea of writing a travel blog about our experiences! They thought it was a great idea! Thus the articles "Retirees On The Road" began! The postings were from February 14th - May 1st, 2008. That's 65 days of adventure!

The plan was to take only secondary roads from Michigan to Florida and back! With my lap top and Diana's GPS (who we named Gertie) we thought this would work! Most folks are inclined to take the fastest route from point A to point B, but to truly "see" the U.S.A. we felt secondary roads were the way to go!

What started out as the adventure of two retired ladies became a tale of 3 personalities- Myself, Diana, and Gertie GPS!  I'd say Gertie ended up being the star of the trip! But back to the beginning!

After a few delays we left the cold, snowy Michigan for warmer weather! I think I hummed the "Hallelujah Chorus" on the way out of town! We decided to give in and travel I-75 through Ohio because the weather forecast was possible freezing rain! We wanted to get to Cincinnati, Ohio as quickly as possible to avoid that complication!

We made a quick stop in Brighton, Michigan before we got on U.S. 23 going south.  We saw a man coming out of a store with a fishing pole! It wasn't an ice-fishing pole, either!  Diana decided he was a true optimist!

It was an absolutely beautiful day for departure, with sunshine galore, blue skies and a few wispy clouds! We were amazed how little snow we saw once south of Ann Arbor, Michigan! Ohio was extremely flat. One could see for miles in all directions! 

Now came our first difficulty with Gertie GPS.  Here we are in the middle lane when she suddenly tells us to take our exit! (Diana yelled "A little more warning, please! Geez!!") Thus began a 65 day argument between Diana and Gertie GPS. 

When we entered the hotel parking lot Gertie proceeded to chant "recalculating- recalculating!" Diana said something to the effect that Gertie was a damn fool! Lol!! Okay now! Arguing with a machine seemed funny-- at the time!

We arrived in Cincinnati, Ohio around 4:30- only to find the hotel swimming with youngsters!  There was a dance competition as well as soccer games that weekend! I would say the young people were well chaperoned and respectful. No loud parties at 2 a.m. !  

All in all, a wonderful- if not a bit humorous start to our adventure! In all honesty there was a real sense of cockiness when we got on the internet that night to find the temperature at home was to be 23 degrees as we enjoyed a balmy 42!

Stay tuned as I meander down memory lane with Diana and Gertie GPS!

Until next time, Dear Readers!


Anonymous said...

I loved this .... I have a GPS but I don't think she likes me very much . She is always screaming at me . " Recalculating , Recalculating , DO A U-TURN ! "

The Flight Nun said...

Dear Anonymous Reader- The GPS folk seemed to get a kick out of the voices they used! Our Gertie had a scolding "mother" voice! Lol!!

Unknown said...

My first use of "Betty" was telling me to take the lane that goes toward Waco, Tx. But she pronounced it like 'whacko'. We had a good laugh at that!

The Flight Nun said...

Dear Unknown Reader- It sounds like "Betty" had a funny sense of humor! I think "Gertie" had a hidden chip that allowed for revenge against Diana! Ha!

Lotta SportsCS said...

Gertie -- The perfect name for a GPS!

The Flight Nun said...

Dear Lotta SportsCS- Thank you for your comment! By the time our 65 days were up Gertie had several names- some not printable! LOL!