Saturday, July 10, 2021


 We Stewardess/ Flight Attendants have often had unusual passengers onboard!  Some good, some bad, and some just darned funny!- Or strange!

I once had a woman who sat in First Class. She was fairly young, in her twenties, I'd think.  I had walked to the back of the airplane, helping to serve water on a fairly long flight.  I believe we were going to Los Angeles from Detroit.  Once I returned to First Class I realized this woman was not in her seat.. In fact she was in my galley, doing her yoga!  By that I mean she was doing a hand stand, with her feet resting on the emergency exit door!  I'm sure I let out a "Oh my!"- or something similar! She came out of her hand stand and proceeded to do a few other "stretches" before going to her seat! Her excuse was that she was trying to stick to her "daily" routine of health and fitness!! Ha! That's California for you!

On long flights I've actually encouraged passengers to stand or walk a bit after the service- reminding them that the back galley was off limits if the curtain was closed.  This gave the passengers a chance to stretch while also giving the Flight Attendants a break.  We once had a group of young people- on a mission trip- who got up and sang to the rest of the cabin!  They were so good the passengers in First Class got up to watched.  They sang a couple of songs, getting applause each time!  Their harmony was so good- it gave me chills! They were also a delightful group! The youth pastor said he had heard them singing (among themselves) one day and realized how talented they were, so formed them into a Youth Choir! That was fun!

We once had a gentleman who walked up and down the isle, shouting bible verses! This one was hard to deal with.  Each time I went to talk to him he shouted me down!  Finally he took a "breather" where I could whisper in his ear. I said something to the effect of "I understand you want to preach, but God has told me this is not the place! You need to save your strength for later!"  He looked at me wide eyed and said- THANK YOU! After that he went to sleep! Whew!

There was a gentleman who asked to be served as much booze as possible on a long flight.  I asked what was going on.  He said he was scared to death of flying and was hoping to "pass out" the duration of the flight!  When I explained we had to be careful of over-serving he said  "Then--Could you just have some one knock me out?" I laughed- but then realized, he was dead serious! Luckily the man in the seat next to him invited him to a friendly game of Gin Rummy.  I don't know if there was any money exchanged, but that became a way to keep the frightened passenger's mind on something else.  (His Gin game challenger got a bottle of First Class Wine for saving the day!)

A scary passenger was on a flight to Seoul, Korea from Detroit. He originally tried to board without a ticket- with the agent chasing him down the jet way. After finally finding his ticket he boarded and sat down in First Class.  When told his seat was in Coach he replied that he was a General and therefore allowed to take any seat. Once we finally got him to his assigned seat we thought he'd settle down. Wrong.  About 3 hours or so into the flight two passengers (who were military police) came forward with concerns.  The man was walking up and down the isle, stopping to kiss the floor near where any child sat, crying that he needed to make a statement for North Korea. That sent chills down my spine! What sort of "statement" was he referring to?! He couldn't seem to stay in his seat- wandering aimlessly and talking about North Korea.  The two military police said they'd keep an eye on him.  I informed the cockpit about the disruptive passenger.  The First Officer came down to "asses" the situation.  When the passenger saw the pilot he saluted.  Coming back the First Officer said "He seems fine to me! You girls are too much!"  He was on his way up the stairs.  I grabbed his arm!  I said "He's not fine! Tell you what!  There are two military police back there who brought him to our attention! They are NOT girls!  Maybe you'll believe them!"  I was livid!  Why did this pilot write off our concerns -because we were girls?!  He went back and talked to the two military police.  After that the cockpit radio'd Seoul about the situation. Now I was told by the Lead Flight Attendant to try to keep the disruptive passenger in his seat.  I went back, asked him to sit down- and sat down next to him, sort of keeping him there.  I told him he needed sleep- I could tell he was troubled.  He talked for quite a while and finally slept.  When we landed and he deplaned security grabbed him. He kept screaming that he was the "Light" !  We later found out he was suffering a nervous break down- so the company he worked for sent him back to Korea. Whew!  That was one long 16 hour flight!

Now on to a lighter story! 

Once on a Convair heading from Detroit to Northern Michigan I encountered a "reunion" of sorts.  A young woman boarded at the last moment.  As she entered the cabin a young man at the back of the plane stood up with a shocked look on his face!  He called out her name- they looked at each other and ran - hugging each other.  We all could tell they were surprised and delighted to see each other! They weren't seated together, but found a few empty seats where they could sit and talk.  I found out they were high school sweethearts that lost touch with each other over the years- different collages, etc. They both laughed- sometimes cried, and spent the entire flight totally locked in each other's company.  After we landed they were the last to deplane.  I looked to the back and there they stood in a long passionate kiss! It lasted so long I began to feel uncomfortable!  The agent at the bottom of the steps wanted to know what was holding them up.  (The couple was still kissing) Finally the agent came up the stairs.  (The couple was still kissing)  He cleared his throat and said "Excuse me!  You need to deplane!"  (The couple was still kissing!)  The pilots came out of the cockpit.  (Yep- still kissing)  The First Offices laughingly said "Hey, you two!  Get a room!"  - It must have been the right voice of authority- because the couple finally realized it was time to STOP kissing! Lol!! They deplaned, flush with young love.  I've wondered what happened to that couple.  I'd like to believe they got married, had a slew of kids, and lived happily!

There are more "unusual" passenger experiences, of course.  But I'll save those for another day!

Until Next Time, Dear Readers!

Life Is Indeed An Adventure!  And Unusual Passengers Certainly Make The Adventure Interesting!


Unknown said...

Great stories, especially the one about the long lost lovers... Yes, truly life is an adventure.... Christine Gembara-Dyszelski AA-IOR

The Flight Nun said...

Dear Christine- Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the stories! And the "long lost young lovers" is one of my favorite memories!